A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 explores the chance meeting of Michelle and Sam, capturing their growing connection with a stunning visual style.
The pair’s meeting in Hong Kong sets off a tumultuous affair set against a backdrop of the colorful, neon-soaked era. Despite the brightness in the visuals, there is a lot of darkness to be found in the world around them, with family and world views causing endless trouble for the new couple. These outside factors might make a lot of trouble for the pair, but it’s impossible to deny the romance that’s growing between them in private moments, and luckily, they have you to help them connect with each other through it all.
While its loving, touching moments captivate, the art style is a huge star in its own right. This throwback to older anime gives the game a personality that fits the time period it’s looking to capture, transporting you back to some challenging times. It’s a wonderful look back at the look, fashion, and visual styles of the time, and helps ground the struggles and triumphs of a couple of women trying to find a place in a challenging world for themselves.
A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 is ceaselessly appealing with its look and narrative, continually drawing you in to see what new sights await. It also aims to keep you wrapped up in the relationship as you work towards its two endings, seeing if you can guide this relationship to a tender conclusion.
A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 is available now on itch.io and Steam.