Breakdown is a kinetic novel that tells the story of a young boy who recently moved into a college campus, and a surprising reveal of personal pain.
Content Warning: Breakdown talks about suicide and drug abuse.
Breakdown is a short story – a young boy has recently moved into his college dorm. His name is Peter, and he seems to have arrived a few weeks late into the year with barely any luggage. Unsure of what he wants to do with his life, Peter meets a few of the other people within the school – one of them being his roommate, and the others being friends.
Everything seems so normal at first – awkward first introductions, fumbling words, testing different subjects to talk about before exploring your room. However, you aren’t feeling too well. This entire endeavor is completely overwhelming. One of these individuals reminds you of someone else, and you keep seeing flashes of this other person overlaid in you vision.
Slowly, yet somehow quickly, the conversation changes, and you are suddenly saying stuff you’re not meant to mention to these strangers. You are crying and admitting your past pain, sharing a traumatic piece of your life with these individuals you just met. Maybe it’s better this way, though – to lay it all out on the table like this. Maybe it’s just what you needed.
Breakdown is available for free on