Cluster Gun is filled with places that are hard to get through. Especially when your only source of mobility is the recoil from your many guns.
How exactly are you supposed to get around when there’s cliffs and platforms all over the place? Gunfire seems like an odd answer to that question, but it’s the best solution. Your various cannons and miniguns all propel your vehicle in certain ways depending on your orientation and when you fire them. You can glide through the air or give yourself a little push forward based on how many bullets you fire into the air, using your shots to move through the game’s puzzling levels.
You’re not stuck with just one weapon layout, either. The game allows you to create your own vehicles with its building aspect, so you can choose the layout and type of guns that you put to work. If a layout doesn’t seem to be jiving with your little car, you can always take it apart or cobble together a new one that might work better. There’s lots of room to play around with these layouts so you can find the easiest way to propel your car through the air with bullets.
Cluster Gun‘s puzzles work on multiple levels in this way. You not only have to know when to fire your guns to hop along (and when not to fire them, as your guns can overheat and stop working), as well as where to set your firearms up for optimal movement. It’s a neat connection that allows for a lot of creativity. Plus, you’re using guns to move, which is pretty silly in and of itself.
Cluster Gun is available now on