Wacky, extremely charming games developer Onion Games wants you to sign up to their (likely captivating) email magazine, and are offering a free new game to entice you.
I don’t know much about it, except that the game is called Romeo & Juliet. Maybe that’s a nod to the game development love story of Dandy Dungeon? The strange affairs that informed the delightfully surreal Million Onion Hotel (a game I’ve played for hours and yet probably still couldn’t explain to you)? Or a tangent to the dangerous fowl that rampaged through BLACK BIRD?
Maybe it’s none of those things. All I know is that Onion Games makes some wonderful, silly, insightful stuff, and they’re willing to give it to you for free if you sign up for their magazine. Which will likely also be cute and fun and interesting. Not seeing any downsides here.
You can sign up to The Secret Onion Cellar email magazine through the developer’s site.