Your appliances are a huge part of your life when you run a shop that sells them. Maybe a much larger part than you’d expect in appliance romance game Cold Hearts.
Your father has recently passed away, leaving you a nice house and an appliance shop where you sell and repair other people’s household electronics. This big change pushed you from the lazy, almost childlike state you were in to being a productive member of society, working and trying to keep your own store afloat.
Your life is pretty average, boring even, until your refrigerator starts talking to you. It’s not even just your own fridge – every single one you are near seems to talk to you, some shifting into seemingly-real women. It’s all very strange business, but these appliances each have their own attitudes, looks, and requests for you. While managing your store, trying to tell other people about this very strange happening, and flirting with your fridge, you life has gottn very interesting in Cold Hearts.
I got the chance to take a look at Cold Hearts at the Big Indie Pitch at GDC. It’s a very funny visual novel that takes the theme of being able to date anything to a whole new level. The visuals are pretty nice and the story line is definitely an interesting one. I, personally, found some of the writing to leave me wanting more, as some of the characters feel slightly flat, but it was a demo I was tinkering around with. Hopefully, the finished product takes this bizarre theme to the limit!
A demo for Cold Hearts is available now on You can also add the game to your Steam Wishlist.