Things don’t look like they’re going to go all that well for you soon in Ghost Of Tomorrow. Someone’s coming to kill you, and your haunted home is giving you hints on how.
In the gloom of your home, visions have started to come to you. The future keeps stumbling into the present, with unsettling moments breaking reality and showing you the events of your own murder. It’s a jarring experience as you walk through your halls, your comforting living space giving way to blood, frightening writing, and a presence that’s bearing down on you.
The game plays upon the kind of fear that can permeate your home when you’ve been harmed inside of it, as well as the kinds of fears many of us carry of being attacked in the one place we often feel most safe. The mundane normalcy of it all looks to make you feel safe, but this lowering of our guard only makes the fear sting that much more when violence and terror suddenly rears its head, clenching your heart in your rib cage.
Ghost of Tomorrow does an excellent job of turning this normalcy upside-down, twisting the real world and a horrifying other place together until the moments of fear are the only time you can feel peace. At least when something is chasing you, you no longer have to wait, coiled tight, for when that thing is coming. Thankfully, this tension is short, but is a terrifying experience in fear and the tension it can create even in the places we go to feel safe.
Ghost Of Tomorrow is currently available in an alpha state on