Duck’s Cozy Home, a short narrative adventure game made for the Global Game Jam 2019, sees you attempting to feel at home in the house that used to belong to your grandfather.
After your grandfather passed away, you are tasked with sorting out his belongings and are given his home. The house is in the neighborhood you grew up in, so you know many of your neighbors, as well as the layout of the land, pretty well. Many of your neighbors are really excited that you are back home, and you have a lot of catching up to do on top of taking time to explore this old home.
Though Duck’s Cozy Home is a short experience, and one that I don’t want to spoil, the game itself has a lot of charm. Between unpacking your grandfather’s belongings, exploring his home, meeting and helping the town, and bringing a bit of yourself into this new home, you end up with a nice, pure experience.
Duck’s Cozy Home is available for free on