We help a llama and raccoon take down an evil company that makes free-to-play games in this week’s IGP First Look. The future can be a strange place.
SuperEpic: The Entertainment War has the animal pair setting out to take down a corporation of pigs to save video games. Which seems to mean beating people to death with an umbrella. Or a stop sign. There’s a lot of different silly weapons you can use on your foes. Not many of them seem all that willing to put up a fight, though, and can be juggled relentlessly so long as you land the first hit. If you’re looking for more of a relaxed action game and just want to smack things around, this might be good for you. Although we do only know about the first few areas, so things might ramp up in challenge.
The office building of the evil RegnantCorp is sprawling, offering many directions you can go in and a bunch of secrets, but wandering through an office doesn’t seem to offer many interesting sights for an adventuring raccoon. The enemies show a lot more visual variety, thankfully, and are a treat to meet even if they don’t put up much of a fight.
The message of free-to-play games being nasty evil things is played up for laughs, with the game focusing on predatory actions often seem in the market. It’s a silly premise for the game that initially rubbed me wrong given how many honest developers are struggling within that market, but the rest of the game seems like a light romp for those who want an easy bit of fighting and exploring.
SuperEpic: The Entertainment War will be available on December 12 on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Steam.