Lambs on the Road is a post-apocalyptic game inspired by the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy, forcing you to survive and scavenge through a grim world.
At first, you play the role of a father looking to survive in a world ravaged by the apocalypse. Climate change seems to be the biggest issue that the world had, which changed the world and caused chaos. Having to scavenge around for items, food and a way forward, you’ll need to explore and be careful, as there are lots of dangers in a world that has been left to rot. Small puzzles require you to find items or things to interact with in order to move forward, but the most important thing is staying alive.
You aren’t only the father in this game, as you are soon introduced to a daughter who is also looking to be reunited with her father. You’ll then start playing as both of these characters separately, trying to get them to a point where they can meet and continue to survive together. There are other people in the world, some who have passed, some who are just trying to survive, and others who are dangerous to you both. If you do end up meeting one another, you both can play together using the different characters’ strengths to help each other.
I got the chance to take a look at a demo during the Valencia Game Summit, and found that Lambs on the Road has a lot of potential. The sound within the game is wonderful, as is the voice acting, and I really loved the visual style of the game.
Lambs on the Road is set to release on PC in Q3 of 2021, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.