Aiming to be a cross between Animal Crossing and Zelda, Lonesome Village is an adorable puzzle-filled social simulator where even communication contains some things for you to solve.
You live outside a nice town which suddenly had an evil tower appear within it. Something within it is capturing villagers, challenging you with a variety of puzzles if you want to bring them back home. You are tasked with going into the tower to save villagers who have been trapped while trying to distinguish between reality and the world within the tower. When you first enter the tower, you will find a special glass which changes the way the world looks inside this tower.
I got the chance to hear about the future of Lonesome Village in the Big Indie Pitch Digital event, and found that it had a variety of mysteries such as sliding block puzzles and secret passages to be uncovered. Finding the answers to these puzzles will help you continue up the tower so that you can rescue the villagers trapped inside. When you rescue the villagers, they appear in the town, allowing you to talk to them and see them as they’re out and about.
The Lonesome Village doesn’t have any text within the game. Instead, communication is done through pictures and little symbols. You’ll need to talk to villagers so that you can try to understand what they need, want, and feel, adding another layer of puzzle-solving to the game. There are a lot of really lovely aspects of Lonesome Village and I am really excited to see where the game continues to go.
Lonesome Village is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can grab its prototype demo from