King of Peasants is a hand-painted, satirical game that takes you into the dark ages during the inquisition, showing you a silly vision of the people living within that time.
In King of Peasants, you’ll be switching between two main characters (a knight and a knight in training), and the pair will keep getting into some strange situations. From hanging off of a cliff to talking with someone about to be robbed, there is a lot going on in this kingdom. Running around the world, you can get up to all sort of mischief, but the real character in this game is its sense of humor. Based on historical events but twisted with humor and satire, King of Peasants also has a rhythm-game aspect to it when it comes to sword fighting, adding a lot of skill and fun to wielding a sword.
I only got to see a bit of King of Peasants in the Big Indie Pitch at GDC. From what I saw, the dialogue written between various characters is going to be the real highlight of this game. At one point within the trailer, the hero sees a man getting robbed. He asks if they need any help, as the robber replies they are fine, thanks for asking, assuming you’re asking them if they need help with robbing. These dry, ridiculous conversations between strangers add a lot to the game.
Mix that with the unique watercolor and pencil drawings that make up the characters and the slightly clunky movement, as if their helmet is too big, and you have a unique world to play around in that you’re bound to remember.
King of Peasants is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.