In Paper Game, you are able to take a picture of almost anything in the world and build a level around it, using real places to design platforming challenges.
There are hundreds of platformers all over the internet, but it’s not often you come across a platformer where you get to make each of the levels without much effort.
I got the chance to hear all about Paper Game at the Big Indie Pitch Digital. In this mobile game, you can easily use your phone to take a photo. This photo is then analysed and platforms or solid objects are picked out as a sort of base for your game. You can then add a bunch of cute assets, like coins and end portals, on top of the picture to create your own level. These levels can then be saved in different level slots, which are limited, but you can purchase more if you’d like. You can then share these levels with the world, as well as play stages other people have created.
Finding games that easily allow people both young and old to create playable levels almost always feels more personal and fun, especially if you share these levels with your friends. The ease of play for Paper Game is wonderful, and the way the game sees the picture and makes items solid is very clever. It’s a family-friendly game, so no inappropriate pictures or submissions will be found, which is a great plus.
Whether you’d like to draw out a picture then snap a shot of it or take a picture of a room in your house, Paper Game will allow you to create an entire level out of it. There are already some wonderful levels uploaded, so go ahead and add your own. It’s free!
Paper Game is available now on the App Store.