I never imagined that Lucifer’s trident was capable of turning the denizens of hell into cake. Or that the devil would then eat those cake-y demons.
Satan Loves Cake finds our adorable King of Sin coming to the realization that he lacks tasty treats, so it’s off to the halls of hell to go find some. I don’t see many sweet shops around, either, so instead, we’ll be zapping imprisoned sinners with our trident to turn them into tasty morsels to devour. I’m assuming this is the circle of hell for gluttony? That would make a lot of sense.
Your many enemies aren’t keen on being eaten alive (which makes this game sound a lot more morbid than it looks), so they’ll put up a bit of a fight. You can blast in multiple directions, though, so a little footwork should keep you ahead of them and your belly stuffed. Just be careful of the stronger bosses, as they’ll do their best to thump their devilish caretaker.
As you eat your enemies, your belly will fill up. You can then turn this sugary energy into power-ups for your trident and the like. Just don’t ask too many questions about this process or why it seems to occur in outhouses.
Satan Loves Cake is a cute adventure for someone looking for an hour of fun as a sweet-obsessed demon. Just don’t give yourself a tummy ache. No one wants to deal with the devil when he’s got an upset stomach.
Satan Loves Cake is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on itch.io.