If you’ve been looking to punch some machines (maybe you’re harboring bitter feelings toward the office copier?), you can take a JUNKPUNCHER demo for a spin soon.
At MAGFest in January, you can take out some post-holiday aggression on hostile robots by spending some quality time with JUNKPUNCHER. For those who haven’t seen it before, the game brings classic NES-era action to you with some metallic boxing moves (and a few kicks, because why not). Robots have turned hostile (likely because we make them do all of the crummy assembly jobs) and mean to start pummeling your face in. So, you gotta punch back.
The more I write about this, the more I wonder if the we’re the baddies, right? Like I just said, we kind of stick robots with dumpy jobs and don’t really care if they get to have a good time on the weekend. And we kind of just throw them out when they’re done with them these days. Most of my old electronics probably expected a little better of me than tossing them aside when I didn’t need them any more. I guess they have a pretty good reason to want to punch me in the nose.
Anyway, if you can get over your guilt about getting in fights with robots, you can go give them demo a spin at MAGFest from January 2-5, right after you’ve likely gotten completely sick of your relatives and their political views. Maybe a game about punching those relatives might be better, though?
JUNKPUNCHER is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can follow its creation on the developer’s site.
DISCLOSURE – Wayne Kubiak, artist for JUNKPUNCHER, was the artist for the IGP logo. This has in no way affected our decision to cover JUNKPUNCHER.