The magical desert kingdom of SPECTACLE is a dangerous place even when you already think you know how to solve its puzzles.
You’ll likely see some similarities to Shadowgate and Deja Vu in this deadly jaunt through the kingdom. Throughout it, you’ll need to poke around for items and keys that you’ll use to save your skin later. Thing is, there’s a lot of items and spells to pick up, and dozens of ways to accidentally get yourself killed as you meander the lush oasis you’ve found yourself in.
While this might sound like most adventure games (but perhaps with a bit more dying involved), the game throws a few features to keep things fresh. For starters, the game works on a timer, and you can only do certain things at the right time of day. It’s not just what item you’re using, but when you’re using it. Adding to the complexity is a randomized dungeon that shifts if you die or restart the game, keeping you from abusing memorization to get through.
SPECTACLE will take you to a lovely vision of a striking desert kingdom, but will also leave you constantly wondering if your next decision will be the one that gets you killed. There ARE some friends you can make in this world to help you, but given the games that inspired this title, expect far more things to be out for your blood. Still, since seeing how many different ways you could die in Shadowgate was a big part of its appeal, this one seems to offer many interesting ways to meet your end.
SPECTACLE is available now on