Having someone else to take care of can help keep your mind busy when things are difficult, and Stay Home aims to give you just that.
A ‘cute girlfriend’ is stuck in a dorm during the current viral outbreak, and you’re in charge of keeping their health, hunger, and mood in a balanced state. To do this, you choose which activities she takes part in, attempting to juggle her three states so that none of them bottoms out while you’re trying to care for the others. She’s a bit anxious as well, so some things might surprise you with how they affect her. Do keep an eye on her.
It’s a cute premise, and one that seems simple to work through with its variety of decisions to make. All you have to do is make the right calls and she’ll be fine, right? It’s not so bad to be helping her out, either, as she’s got a cute cat you can play with. It’s a relaxing experience, in a sense, so long as you don’t think too much about your own quarantine situation compared to hers.
Stay Home is an interesting game in these times, showing a calming simplicity to how to care for oneself in these challenging days. That said, there’s nothing easy about balancing the bars in your own life right now, but perhaps this look at some basic needs can give us the comfort we need to figure out what to do with ourselves right now. Barring that, at least it feels better to be caring for someone else instead of worrying about how my own existence might fall into shambles.
Stay Home is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on itch.io.