Some dizzying heights are waiting for you to scale them in Super Hiking League, a game of competitive climbing (with just the tiniest bit of backstabbing).
You can choose to start climbing these mountains by yourself or with a buddy, aiming to hop your way to the top of them as fast as you possibly can. There are many different routes through each stage for you to choose from, so picking the quickest way up is vital. Just watch out for mountainous critters you might need to swat at along the way, or you’ll be slowed down as some weird creature decides to nibble on your ankle.
Picking a good route is great and all, but your rubbery grappling hook is where you’ll really pick up speed. This tool can be used to grab onto things so you can hoist yourself up, cutting your climbing speed. The hook also has a little give to it, so you can risk bouncing downward for a little momentum boost that you can use to throw yourself far higher than a normal jump would take you. Doing this at the right time can really help you cut corners.
When you throw other players into this mix, you get the kind of mayhem that will have you shouting at your multiplayer buddy. You can whack each other in the head to slow one another down, making each leap and grapple far riskier than normal. Still, Super Hiking League isn’t about playing fair, but seeing which of your friends is the most effective (underhanded) climber!
Super Hiking League is available now on Steam.