Toripon 鳥ポン takes you to a lovely apartment filled with birds getting up to cute things, and your job is to catch them in the act. A lovely use of your time.
Don’t ask why you have so many birds and such a big living space. Just enjoy it for a while, wandering through your home as you look for birds getting up to goofy things. They’re such curious, cheerful creatures, dancing to music, seeing what’s inside of cups, playing with toys, or chirping to one another. Each is going about its own silly day somewhere in your place, and you just need to make sure you’re there to witness every playful event.
Taking in these fun moments would be enough, but you also have a camera that lets you snap pictures of the cute things you witness. Saving your favorite bird activities is a pretty big plus for the game, but you can also share those photos over a fake social network in order to improve the lives of fake online strangers. It’s good to cheer other people up with what you’re doing as well, right?
Still, it would be nice to cheer up real people out in the real world, too. Toripon 鳥ポン gives you the tools to do that as well, letting you share your cute bird pictures with online people to brighten their day. I can’t think of a time when cute birds in my feed wouldn’t instantly improve it.
Toripon 鳥ポン is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on
it’s very beautiful and cute 🙂