Yuppie Psycho takes the idea of working in an office into a horror game. Maybe that’s why I always tried to avoid those jobs?
You play as as Brian Pasternack, a lower class citizen who really doesn’t know how he got selected for such a high-paying, high-profile job. And who is in way over his head. In Yuppie Psycho, you start off as a trepidatious, yet slightly excited young man who is just looking to try out this adventure in his life.
Played as an adventure game, you basically talk to coworkers, collect items, combine items with various objects, solve puzzles, and figure out how to handle your job. After searching through some increasingly terrifying office rooms full of corpses, possessed objects start flying around, and you’re given very little information on what is going on.
That’s the thing about Yuppie Psycho – you play as a clueless guy who is in some sort of possessed office full of either zombie-humans or people who just don’t see what else is going on. Eventually, you find that your high-paying job is to kill a witch – the one that’s currently possessing the office and killing others. This is told to you after you enter a computer and talk to some sort of AI that gives you jobs and shows you your emails.
There are a lot of dangers in the office, so trying to survive is a constant concern. Some office members will be so interested in their job that they will attack you if you come near. Other times, there are bombs on the floor or falling objects that slowly take away your life. You can eat food that you have found or make coffee to make yourself feel better, but it’s a tough game either way.
Having played a short amount of Yuppie Psycho at the Fun and Serious Festival, I really felt captivated by the story, as well as the themes of capitalism combined with a horror setting where the player is never quite sure what is going to happen next or what they are going to find. This brings a lot of interesting elements to the office, which is full of so many areas to explore, especially after you finally get a flashlight.
Yuppie Psycho is available now on Steam.